About the Blue Yellow Bus initative
The White Busses provided safety to thousands of refugees immediately after the Second World War. The purpose of the Blue-Yellow Bus is the same. We help Ukrainian refugees with direct transportation to Denmark.
The Blue-Yellow Bus concept is simple. We transport Ukrainian refugees in Poland to Danish communities prepared to receive them. The initiative is a collaboration between volunteers, organizations, and businesses. We focus on three things:
- Effective pick-up of Ukrainian refugees in Poland in locations that are accessible and natural hubs. Through an app, local organizations, and social media, we make sure that Ukrainians interested in coming to Denmark have the best possible opportunity to get a free and safe ride. We work for instance with UNHCR, Caritas, Red Cross in Poland and www.UkrainetoDenmark.com.
- Provide a safe and efficient bus ride to relevant locations in Denmark. Based on partnerships with bus operators and volunteering organizations, we can offer experienced drivers and service staff to bring people to Danish municipalities with a capacity to receive and care for refugees from Ukraine. Before entering the busses, all passengers will also be informed about the unique opportunities for Ukrainian refugees in Denmark. We partner for instance with IRU
- Facilitate a good entry point into the Danish public system and support activities provided by private organizations. Passengers arriving from the busses will either be placed in facilities provided by the municipality or private homes. Partners and collaborators include Dansk Flygtningehjælp, The Ukraine desk of the Danish Municipalities
The Blue-Yellow Bus initiative is driven by a Secretariat comprised of volunteers as well as organizations such as DANSIC, Dalberg, Global Shapers Copenhagen.
The Danish UN Association is the financial custodian.